Nuisance Wildlife Control -
The free subscription is FREE, The cost for a paid subscription is the monthly fee, you can create users for free and you can download your information as much as you want! The fee is the agreed on fee during the sign up process. Some users will pay less, when NWCOPRO comes out of the BETA testing phase the base cost will go up. The earlier you sign up the more you will get for less. The longer you are a customer the more you will get for your dollar, as the application improves. Here is the current COSTS
Don’t worry the Internet isn’t going anywhere, your information will be right here when you get back. This whole application is based on the Internet being there tomorrow. Last time we checked it was supposed to be around for awhile. We may develop an offline desktop program but currently it is NOT in development.
Lastly and most importantly, NWCOPRO is not meant to replace real hard copy information. Use all the features you want but remember NWCOPRO is meant to allow you to connect to your offline information…
Yes, You can download as an excel file your data as entered by you. For security reasons, uploads are not allowed.
Yes, you should. NWCOPRO is meant to store and retrieve your known data. We recommend you carry 3 part invoices, and a notebook. NWCOPRO connects your business data to you in the field, and to analyze it going forward. Again, NWCOPRO is NOT meant to replace offline hard copy business information -
Future improvements will include synchronization of customers and invoices.
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Yes we give Military Discounts -
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