The Jobs List Menu is where you can create, edit and review jobs that were created in the phone log and allows you to view the details on all of the active/inactive jobs. Each job will automatically receive a job number that can help connect it to an invoice. The animal feature will allow you to see the specific species that relates to that specific job. In the Grid View menu you can upload pictures of the job, create tasks to be assigned, and fill out your field reports for the job. It is also on this menu that you can assign a job to a specific technician.
To see the Detail view of each job click the Start Date.
Typically, a wildlife trapping job will continue for some time. Jobs can be set as active or inactive by opening the detail view or the quick edit button which allows multiple jobs to be changed in a single click.
To create “Stops” or “appointments” that display on your Technician Agenda - you can click the NT (new task) button or use the Tasks Calendar.
The Tasks Calendar allows for drag and drop for easy manipulation.
NWCOPRO offers reports for each job that can be emailed to your customer or just used for review. Animals trapped, accumulate for an annual animal report as required by some states.